Monetary wealth, in other words, money is what we naturally think about when we hear the term ‘wealth.’
What does Monetary wealth really mean though? In my opinion, Monetary wealth is Financial freedom which is the ability to enjoy what you like, when you like, with whom you like in terms of spending money. This is complete freedom from financial turmoil and worries which is one of the chief causes of suffering within the majority of people’s lives.







Categories of Financial Wealth

Cash Management


Business Growth

Property / Real Estate Management

Taxation Management / Planning (CA)

Digital, Virtual & Crypto Currency

Wealth Management (Stocks, Bonds, Gold, etc.)

Will / Succession / Inheritance (Lawyers)

Financial Freedom / Independence (Retirement)

Company Formation (CS)

Equity Investments

Financial Freedom / Independence (Retirement)

Fundamentals of Financial Wealth

Investing (Assets vs Liabilities)

Spending (Necessities vs Luxuries)

Budgeting (Consciously Allocating Money)

Financial Literacy (Reading, podcasts, events, etc.)

Surrounding Yourself With Financial Masters

Long Term > Short Term

Successful Behaviour Change

Full Name*
I use a budget to manage my finance*
I pay my essential bills on time (rent, loans, utilities..)*
What is percentage of income you save every month?*
How much money have you set aside as an emergency fund?*
Do you plan ahead for large expenses such as taxes and insurance*
How often do you review your savings and investments to achieve your financial goals? *
How much time do you spend for financial education/literacy?*
Do you feel financial planning is important?*
How do you do your financial planning?*
How important is insurance for you?*
Do you have Health, Term, and Accidental Insurance Plan*
Do you diversify your investments?*
Do you generate income from passive sources? - e.g. Rental income, Online services like influencer etc.*
In which of the following instruments have you invested your money?*
Whats the status of your retirement planning?*
How will you describe your knowledge about personal finances?*
Have you written down your financial goals?*
Are your liabilities or expenses more than your income?*
Do you have concrete plan to overcome your debts?*
How would you rate your present financial status?*
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